How to Start Your Own Blog in 2021

Sis, I know you have an experience, ideas, and insight you need to share with the world. Stop putting off your blog. You’ve been thinking about it for months maybe even years but you’re unsure where to start. These questions fill your head: Read the original post on      

Write Business Blog Posts Like a Boss

The internet is a powerful tool and when you utilize it business opportunities are limitless. Combining the right marketing tools will allow you to reach a worldwide audience. Who doesn’t want that? Learning how to write a business blog post can be the turning point in your business. Small business owners, medium and large scaleContinueContinue reading “Write Business Blog Posts Like a Boss”

Helping Others: The Service of Life

Wherever you go make it your life’s mission to be in the service of those who need you. This doesn’t always refer to those who are poor or homeless. Serving others is also a key component in business, life, the success of an entrepreneur and the success of college students. This is the purpose ofContinueContinue reading “Helping Others: The Service of Life”

An Inside Look: Content Marketing for a Small Business

You’ve heard it time and time again, “create content that converts.” But, what does that really mean for a small business owner? How do I create content my consumers will be interested in? Knowing the power behind small business blogging is the first step towards monetizing your business via content marketing. Whether you’re a health,ContinueContinue reading “An Inside Look: Content Marketing for a Small Business”

Motivation After “Failure”

Let me start by saying this. You ONLY fail when you give up. “Failure” isn’t a permanent state of being. A loss is only temporary and is only truly a loss when you don’t learn from it. Take this time to find what works for you. Whether it’s school, your business or other life goals.ContinueContinue reading “Motivation After “Failure””

Celebrating Tiny Victories

So you have goals right? Maybe they’re huge and out of this world. Sometimes you might wonder if you can accomplish them. Well I believe you can! Along the way it’s important to celebrate tiny victories. Make a word document of your goals. Long term and short term. Figure out what tiny victories you mightContinueContinue reading “Celebrating Tiny Victories”

Work from home jobs: All the benefits

This day in age people look down on work at home moms. As if taking care of your family and being with your kids is something to be ashamed of. Well, it’s the best decision I’ve ever made and I would NEVER go back to working for corporate America or any other entity. Entrepreneurship WorkingContinueContinue reading “Work from home jobs: All the benefits”

Why Loving Yourself Can Save Your Love Life

I’m sure you’ve heard how important it is to love yourself before getting into a relationship. What exactly does that mean? How do we do it? What are the benefits of knowing how to properly love yourself? Relationships are nothing short of tricky and challenging at times. Given you’re with a good person who youContinueContinue reading “Why Loving Yourself Can Save Your Love Life”

Potential and Preperation 

What is potential? The ability to have certain traits and circumstance that could lead to your success? Your personality, attitude, energy level and even intelligence. Is potential the set of skills that you’re naturally born with? Could it also be the energy that is within you to have the ability to do a certain task.ContinueContinue reading “Potential and Preperation “

Creative Writing| Familiar Stranger

🚨Creative Writing Alert 🚨 It came out of no where. Her deep coffee toned eyes peered into the dark hall way. What was out there anyway? What was that noise? It couldn’t have been him, he wouldn’t be back for another 14 hours or so. Still, she stayed in the safety of the closet, tryingContinueContinue reading “Creative Writing| Familiar Stranger”