Self-love, self-care and how it relates to your vision

When you think of the phrase self-love what comes to mind? You may think of a spa day and massage, a healthy relationship between your parents, between your significant other, your friends and other “feel good” relationships. How does self-love relate to your business? Your vision? Your project? Your schooling or whatever it is youContinueContinue reading “Self-love, self-care and how it relates to your vision”

5 Things They Don’t Tell You About Grief

It strikes when we least expect it and we are forced to learn how to live our daily lives without someone who was close to us. We learn to figure out a new tune to life and find hope in new places. Grief is something that can be all consuming if it’s not properly understood.ContinueContinue reading “5 Things They Don’t Tell You About Grief”

Helping Others: The Service of Life

Wherever you go make it your life’s mission to be in the service of those who need you. This doesn’t always refer to those who are poor or homeless. Serving others is also a key component in business, life, the success of an entrepreneur and the success of college students. This is the purpose ofContinueContinue reading “Helping Others: The Service of Life”

Motivation After “Failure”

Let me start by saying this. You ONLY fail when you give up. “Failure” isn’t a permanent state of being. A loss is only temporary and is only truly a loss when you don’t learn from it. Take this time to find what works for you. Whether it’s school, your business or other life goals.ContinueContinue reading “Motivation After “Failure””

Married at 22?!

This may sound crazy since we live in a generation where young marriage is looked down upon. A few decades ago this wouldn’t have been so surprising. My grandpa proposed to my grandma when she was 18. They were married for 53 years before he died. Living during these times and being married is sortContinueContinue reading “Married at 22?!”

Celebrating Tiny Victories

So you have goals right? Maybe they’re huge and out of this world. Sometimes you might wonder if you can accomplish them. Well I believe you can! Along the way it’s important to celebrate tiny victories. Make a word document of your goals. Long term and short term. Figure out what tiny victories you mightContinueContinue reading “Celebrating Tiny Victories”

Bringing Back All Natural Black Hair

First of all, let me say this, promoting naturally curly hair on black women doesn’t mean I hate you for wearing weave or relaxing and straightening your hair. I wish we could embrace our natural beauty without feeling like we have to fit into our society’s idea of beauty. Whenever I see a natural womanContinueContinue reading “Bringing Back All Natural Black Hair”

10 Things in My Baby’s Closet

Every new mom knows there are absolute essentials to keep in the baby’s closet or nursery room. Here’s a list of my top necessities for my unborn son. How do I know what to buy? Experience! I have a 6-year-old and 4 years old so this whole baby thing is pretty regular for me. FeelContinueContinue reading “10 Things in My Baby’s Closet”

Advertising: Work From Home Agent

I recently became a work from home Agent for a company called MCA. If you have not heard of this company the acronym stands for Motor Club of America. When googling this company you will see their link right at the #1 spot on the webpage. MCA has been in business for nearly a CENTURY!ContinueContinue reading “Advertising: Work From Home Agent”