The Best Outdoor Activities for Fall and Why I Should Use Sun Screen

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5 Steps: How to Be Happy

Such a simple yet, complex topic. Happiness. What is happiness? Have you ever found yourself wondering how to be happy? Most people at some point in life ask this question. Too much work and not enough leisure or “me” time can leave you wondering what your life is about. Without finding the true passion inContinueContinue reading “5 Steps: How to Be Happy”

Married at 22?!

This may sound crazy since we live in a generation where young marriage is looked down upon. A few decades ago this wouldn’t have been so surprising. My grandpa proposed to my grandma when she was 18. They were married for 53 years before he died. Living during these times and being married is sortContinueContinue reading “Married at 22?!”

5 Stereotypes of Black Women We Need to End

1. All Black Women Wear Weaves and Get Perms This stereotype is probably the one that annoys me the most. First of all, not all black women like weave or perms. Take me for example, I HATE them. I’ve never had a perm or straightening agent in my hair and the last time I hadContinueContinue reading “5 Stereotypes of Black Women We Need to End”

The Truth About Insecurity

When you hear the word “insecure,” or think about people who are insecure you may automatically think of superficial factors such as beauty, body type and popularity. Well it’s not that simple. Insecurity is more than thinking you don’t look good. Many times your looks have nothing to do with it at all. Sometimes beingContinueContinue reading “The Truth About Insecurity”

The Incredible Power of Hope

What is hope? Hope is both a noun and a verb. In it’s noun form it means “a feeling of expectation or desire for something to happen.” In it’s verb form it means, “wanting or trusting that something will happen. The amazing thing about HOPE is that it opens doors, says sky is the limitContinueContinue reading “The Incredible Power of Hope”

Traveling With Toddlers

My kids are 6 and 3, and a few weeks ago they went with us on a cruise to the Bahamas! Can you say family vacay?! I promised them I wouldn’t go on anymore trips without them. Overall it was a great experience, but here’s a few tips just in case you’ll be traveling withContinueContinue reading “Traveling With Toddlers”

You Have More Power Than You Think 

When you eliminate limitations in your mind you set yourself up for the ultimate success and self fulfillment. The power in the human brain is unmatched. We only use 10% of our brain power. You have the power within you to do and be anything you want to be. If you believe in yourself you’reContinueContinue reading “You Have More Power Than You Think “

I’m Vegan Now

I am becoming a vegan and you should too! Have you guys heard of that new Netflix documentary called “What the Health?” It’s kind of buzzing right now and of course I had to watch it. Actually I came by it on accident and heard about it from a few coworkers. It’s about an hourContinueContinue reading “I’m Vegan Now”