Potential and Preperation 

What is potential? The ability to have certain traits and circumstance that could lead to your success? Your personality, attitude, energy level and even intelligence. Is potential the set of skills that you’re naturally born with? Could it also be the energy that is within you to have the ability to do a certain task.ContinueContinue reading “Potential and Preperation “

Empathy and the Empath

  Let’s start by giving some definitions. What is empathy? Well according to psychology.com it is as follows: “Empathy is the experience of understanding another person’s condition from their perspective. You place yourself in their shoes and feel what they are feeling. Empathy is known to increase prosocial (helping) behaviors”. I must say that isContinueContinue reading “Empathy and the Empath”

Later Never Comes

Are you one of those people who says “Oh I’ll just do this later” or “Now isn’t the right time”. I admit sometimes I use those excuses when I shouldn’t. Honestly no one should because guess what? Later may NEVER COME. We only have one life to live and if we hold everything off untilContinueContinue reading “Later Never Comes”

Big Parenting No-No

Negative Criticism and Commentary  Whether you’re frustrated, attempting to discipline your child or just not having a good day, this is NEVER okay! EVER!!!!! This type of communication with your child is verbal abuse and can have negative effects on them at each age level. Say harsh or cruel words to a small child or toddlerContinueContinue reading “Big Parenting No-No”

Are YOU Really Free?

Are You Really Free? What is freedom? What comes to mind when you hear the word? Is it possible to be free in a society where everyone can track your every move with ease. Is it possible to be free in a system that is set up so that you have to go to school,ContinueContinue reading “Are YOU Really Free?”

Just Do It

Do it. Don’t hold back, everybody wants to be normal, everybody wants to fit in. YOU should follow your dreams, build a salon, write that book you’ve been thinking about, make a franchise off of your name brand, create that invention that you’ve  been thinking about ever since you were a kid, be a neurosurgeonContinueContinue reading “Just Do It”

The Art of Forgiveness

Forgiveness, an art? Why yes it is. There is a certain technique, mindset and willingness you HAVE to have in order to forgive. What is the use in forgiving? He or she did something so bad to me, why should I give them a chance? Whether it was a close family member, a friend, aContinueContinue reading “The Art of Forgiveness”