Instagram Stories That Sell : Service Based Business Edition

IGTV, Instagram Live and Instagram Stories are the newest and latest trends over in the Instagram marketing world.

Marketing experts and small business owners are trying to figure out the best way to increase revenue using Instagram Stories.

The secret to mastering Instagram stories that sell is to own your brand’s tone and voice while knowing your target audience from the inside out.

Whether you’re a realtor, dentist, business coach, chiropractor or another type of service based business you can use the following tips to bring in more revenue while increasing your brand awareness online.

Instagram Stories for Small Business

Click your profile picture on the top left of your IG feed. This is how you create new stories.

Before going crazy with content creation make sure you have specific business goals in mind to align with your content.

For example, figure out which services you’re wanting to sell for the next 30-60 days and these will be the focus of your IG stories.

You must also keep in mind that it takes 6-12 times on average for a customer to see you before making a buying decision.

That means you’ll need to be consistent with social media marketing for your small business and more specifically, your IG story uploads.

Here are the 3 essential parts of successful Instagram story updates:

• Location Tagging

• Hashtags

• Content

The first two components of Instagram stories for small businesses has to do with finding new leads and increasing your visibility on Instagram.

The content you create, record and post on Instagram will make or break both your brand image and sales.

If you want to make sales using Instagram stories for your small business focus on what your customer needs to see from you. Get inside the mind of your customers and think about what questions and road blocks they go through before making the decision to buy from you or look elsewhere for help.

By focusing on potential roadblocks to your customers buying from you — you make the sales process easier and persuade your audience that they have nothing to lose and everything to gain from doing business with you instead of your competition.

Cool Instagram Story Features for Service-Based Companies

On top of tagging your location you can add stickers, video recordings, and create unique, interesting Instagram stories with the different features.

Try out filters and get creative with your Instagram story content. You don’t always have to record a video. Adding a picture and then writing/typing a question yields a variety of content.

Switching up what you post makes you more interesting to your audience.

From changing the background color to fonts and stickers. You can create one of a kind pieces of content to highlight your sales goals, products, services and behind the scenes.

Always remember to provide value to your audience so they’ll keep coming back o your stories for more. Directing your audience to the link in your bio (which should be your website) is an excellent way to drive massive web traffic and to compel your audience to buy from you.

For more on digital marketing and social media follow Tiffy G Writes on Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn and Instagram.

For content marketing strategies that bring massive revenue to your company contact me so we can work on expanding your brand.

Published by tiffygwrites

International Marketing Strategist and Sales Copywriter fo r course creators and service providers who need to establish their industry expertise. Using email marketing, sales page copywriting, and sales psychology Tiffany helps her clients sell their high-ticket (above $2k) offers with ease. Tiffany also has a Digital Marketing blog filled with practical copywriting tips and entrepreneurship advice. She's on a mission to assist as many black-owned companies as humanly possible to acquire wealth through ethical marketing messages. When she's not writing you'll find her living out her digital nomad life and traveling thr world with her husband and four children.

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