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Motivation After “Failure”


Let me start by saying this. You ONLY fail when you give up.

“Failure” isn’t a permanent state of being. A loss is only temporary and is only truly a loss when you don’t learn from it.

Take this time to find what works for you. Whether it’s school, your business or other life goals.

This is the perfect time to re-examine everything about your preparation rituals.

Maybe you need to study differently. Maybe you need to go back to the drawing board and come up with a better marketing plan.

Perhaps you need a new route or means of reaching your goals. Don’t give up now!

Figure out:

1. Why you started

2. Your end goal

3. A reward when goals are met

4. That thing that will motivate you at your lowest

These 4 factors will determine your success. You have to know WHY you want to accomplish your goals. A better life for yourself? Freedom? A title?

What’s your end goal? Do you want to be an author to a series of books of films? Are you aiming for a bachelors degree in a specific study? Are you an artist working to get your work into museums and art fairs?

It’s perfectly okay to reward yourself. In fact you need to every time your goals are met. Even tiny goals.

This gives you something to look forward to.

When you do experience a loss or a “failure” in your plans, school, work or business LEARN from it. This should be your motivation to find out what went wrong.

Now you can fix the mistake you made or make a new and improved plan. This is the time to make your business even better.

Make your study habits better.

Make your art better.

What ever it is you’re working at, it can be improved at this point.

No matter what don’t take failure as a permanent state. It’s only temporary and you may not even remember it in a few months or years.

Sure it may be a little discouraging but find it within you to keep going. These are your LIFE goals. They deserve your full undivided attention!

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