10 Precise Steps to Start/Grow Your Own Education Consulting Business in 60 Days

little girl taking online classes

Imagine you’re in a field. This field is your job as an educator. It’s vast and wide, filled with rows upon rows of corn.

Each stalk represents a student, and each kernel represents a lesson or a moment of understanding. You’ve been tending to this field for years, nurturing the crops with your knowledge and dedication. But despite your hard work, the yield is meager.

The corn, though tall, doesn’t seem to grow any further, and the kernels, though numerous, don’t seem to ripen. You’re stuck in an endless cycle of sowing and reaping, but the harvest is never as bountiful as you’d like.

Now, imagine there’s another field.

This field is your own education consulting business. It’s smaller, more manageable. But instead of corn, this field is filled with a variety of crops. There are sunflowers that reach towards the sky, their bright faces beaming with potential.

As you already know, the education system is dying for real Black Educators to show up and help little brown/black boys and girls who need to see smart people who look like them.

But, our school systems are against us — and you feel like it’s nearly impossible to carry out your mission.

But what if you could start reading comprehension for homeschoolers?

Or math and economics for middle schoolers?

What about historical sessions as a supplement for curriculums across the world?

In this field, you’re not just a laborer but the owner. You decide what to plant when to sow, and when to harvest. You set your own pace, choose your own methods, and reap the fruits of your labor.

You’re not bound by the rigid structure of a traditional education system but have the freedom to innovate, experiment, and nurture your crops in the way you see fit. The yield, though not abundant at first, grows steadily over time.

This is the promise of the Black Educator’s Consulting Business Incubator. It’s not just about making a living but about creating a life. It’s about escaping the endless rows of corn and starting a field of your own.

You chart your own course, steer your own wheel, and navigate your own path.

You face the storms, ride the waves, and, in the end, arrive at a destination of your own choosing.

In this blog – I’m telling you the top 10 benefits of building your own education business consulting model and how you can immerse yourself in a billion-dollar industry without losing your sanity in the traditional school system.

Creating Our Own African Curriculums

black teachers starting online business
Photo by August de Richelieu on Pexels.com

One of the major challenges we face in the education sector today is the lack of representation and inclusion of African history and heritage in curriculums.

It is no secret that the education system is inherently biased and often fails to adequately represent the rich and diverse history of the African continent and its diaspora.

The traditional education system, with its Eurocentric focus, often ignores or downplays the contributions and achievements of African civilizations, leaving students with a skewed and incomplete understanding of world history and culture.

This not only deprives students of African descent of the chance to learn about their own history and heritage but also reinforces harmful stereotypes and prejudices.

That’s where the need to create our own African curriculums comes in. By developing and implementing curriculums that center on African history, culture, and perspectives, we can provide students with a more balanced and inclusive education.

These curriculums can include comprehensive studies of Africa’s great civilizations (as well as biblical knowledge), such as the kingdoms of Mali and Songhai, the empire of Aksum, and ancient Egypt. They can explore the rich traditions of African art, literature, and philosophy, and highlight the continent’s contributions to science, technology, and innovation.

What would it feel like to contribute this level of education to our community across the globe – all from the comfort of your living room?

Moreover, these curriculums can address contemporary African issues and achievements, helping students understand the complexities and potentials of the continent today.

They can also incorporate African diaspora studies, examining the experiences and contributions of African communities around the world.

Creating our own African curriculums is not merely a matter of representation. It’s about correcting the historical inaccuracies and imbalances perpetuated by the traditional education system.

It’s about empowering students of all backgrounds with a more complete understanding of the world. And most importantly, it’s about honoring Africa’s rich and diverse heritage and its people.

Building these curriculums will require effort, resources, and expertise. It will require educators who are not only knowledgeable about African history and culture but also committed to the cause of inclusive education.

—> That is where you, as education consultant, come in. With your expertise and passion, you can play a crucial role in shaping these curriculums, influencing the education of future generations, and ultimately, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable society.

Here are ten comprehensive tips on how to bring this bigger-than-life mission to fruition…

Black Educator's Amplified
Photo by Julia M Cameron on Pexels.com
  1. Identify Your Niche: Understand the specific subjects or age groups you want to focus on in your tutoring sessions. Your niche could be based on your expertise or the demand in your area Here are a few ideas: – Arts – Music – Mindfulness – Communications -4th Grade Reading – 7th Grade Writing – Global History – Biblical Studies
  2. Develop Your Curriculum: Plan a comprehensive and engaging curriculum for your tutoring sessions. Make sure it aligns with the learning objectives of your students. avoid overcomplicating this step. Use Zoom sessions, audio recordings, and videos to teach students through your own portal like Teachable.
  3. Set Up Your Tutoring Environment: Whether it’s a physical location or an online platform, ensure your tutoring environment is conducive to learning. This includes having the necessary resources and tools for teaching. In Canva, you can utilize their whiteboard features to give students and parents hands-on exercises even if they homeschool and need you to come in and help them live the load of schooling (we are a communal people:))
  4. Establish Your Pricing: Determine a fair but profitable price for tutoring services. Consider factors like your time, expertise, the complexity of the subject, and market rates. This is foundational to your start as an education consultant.
  5. Create a Business Website: A professional website can serve as a platform to showcase your services, share testimonials, and provide potential clients with a way to contact you.
  6. Market Your Services Online: Utilize social media platforms, online forums, and local directories to market your tutoring sessions. Regularly post engaging content related to your services to attract potential clients. Make sure you use the tried and true “Know, Like, and Trust” to educate parents on buyer awareness levels and use “quick tip” content to create immense value.
  7. Master Business Writing: Clear and effective communication is key in any business. Improve your business writing skills to write compelling proposals, engaging marketing content, and clear communication with clients.
  8. Track Student Progress: Regularly assess the progress of your students to understand the effectiveness of your tutoring. Share these outcomes with parents to demonstrate the value of your services.
  9. Build Relationships with Parents: Regular communication with parents can lead to better student outcomes. Discuss the student’s progress, challenges, and goals to ensure everyone is on the same page.
  10. Keep Learning and Improving: Continuous professional development is key to staying relevant in your field. Attend workshops, take courses, and stay updated with the latest teaching strategies and resources. Aside from your actual skillset – you need to master copywriting, marketing, and business finances and business development to create a global strategy.

BONUS: Keep an eye out for opportunities in education writing, consulting, and EdTech partnerships. Companies like Teach for America, Powerschool, and Clever EdTech are often looking for educators with a unique perspective and hands-on experience.

These organizations value educators’ insights and can provide exciting opportunities to apply their skills in new ways, reaching a broader audience and impacting education on a larger scale.

As you use this “side-hustle income” you’ll be able to fund your consulting business and expand in ways you would have never dreamed were possible.

Whether it’s contributing to their educational content, consulting on their programs, or forming partnerships to integrate technology into the classroom, these collaborations are guaranteed to provide valuable growth opportunities.

Break Free from Traditional Rigged Education and Transform our Community — >

Published by tiffygwrites

International Marketing Strategist and Sales Copywriter fo r course creators and service providers who need to establish their industry expertise. Using email marketing, sales page copywriting, and sales psychology Tiffany helps her clients sell their high-ticket (above $2k) offers with ease. Tiffany also has a Digital Marketing blog filled with practical copywriting tips and entrepreneurship advice. She's on a mission to assist as many black-owned companies as humanly possible to acquire wealth through ethical marketing messages. When she's not writing you'll find her living out her digital nomad life and traveling thr world with her husband and four children.

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